To control video with dragging might sound a bit strange and useless but keep on reading and you'll see the the possibilities this creates.
For a project I'm working on, I wanted to create a rotating 3D image which the user van control with his mouse using dragging.
This kind of displaying is often used for displaying objects like cars:
or purses?
or other products:
Getting started
First I created a UserControl and added 2 properties:
- "AutoPlay" which plays the video once when loaded
- "MovieSource" which contains the Uri of the videofile
- "StretchMovie" which contains the Uri of the videofile
To be on the safe side I created a public method "Release" to stop the dragmode. If by some reason the mouse stays in dragmode it can be stopped by calling the Release method:

Custom MouseCursor
For a better drag experience a "custom" mousecursor is added when hovering over the control and when dragging.

To achieve this, add an image ("_cursor" in the code snippet below) to the page which you can position when the mousemove event is triggered. With this.Cursor = Cursors.None you can make sure the default cursor is no longer visible.

Controlling the video
In the eventhandler of the mousemove event, first check if the user is dragging:

If so, set the movieposition to the correct value:

The call to the UpdateVideoPlayer method makes sure the movie gets rendered on the right frame:

Click here to view the demo
Click here to download the source
One issue I experience (could be my laptop) is that it's a shocky. It's not rotating fluently. In Mediaplayer Classic it works fine, so I think it's a rendering issue with SL2. If someone has any ideas about this, please let me know!
That's it for now. I'm leaving to Spain tomorrow for a two week holiday, so no more for at least two weeks! :)